
Wii Kendo

Many people has been said that it is impossible to make a nice kendo video game. But Wii might be able to do that. Nintendo's latest video game machine Wii has wirelss controler and you can play games by moving with it on the air.(This video will help how to use.) If there is a kendo game on Wii, you might be able to fight with Miyazaki, Harada by using controler as shinai, you can suburi with Eiga, studying Kendo-kata with Fukumoto etc.. Maybe Nintendo should sell real shinai-like controller. Anybody who can make it real?

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Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hy, I'm an beginner italian Kendoka, I'm read your interesting blog, and I ask you an information: do you know if they will show the Kendo taiwaneese world championship on TV or streaming on line?

8:05 午後  
Blogger akihito said...


Usually it is on-aired by Japanese state-run boradcast.
But this time, they won't. (unbelievable..)

Maybe you can find some movies on Youtube, or you can buy at some online kendo shops.

2:08 午前  


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