
Teramoto win 寺本(大阪府警)が高鍋に逆転勝利で初優勝!

All Japan Kendo Championship was held today. Teramoto(Osaka police dept) won by ai-men from Takanabe (Kanagawa police dept.). At the final round, Takanabe took men first, but Teramoto got men, then while extra time, they hit men each other but Teramoto's faster and right. Yamana who is a 2-to-ryu(uses 2 shinais) won from Hirao at 1st round, but he lost at 2nd round. There has not been 2-to players in All Japan Championship since 44 years before. Uchimura also won from Shodai who is strong jodan player but he was beaten by Sato (Osaka police dept.) at 4th round.
Finally, 3 players from Osaka police dept. got Champion, 3rd.

Champ Teramoto (Osaka police dept)
2nd Takanabe (Kanagawa police dept)
3rd Sato.H (Osaka police dept)
3rd Kiwada (Osaka police dept)

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