持田と斎村の日本剣道形 Nihon Kendo Kata by Mochida Moriji, Saimura Goro
Uchitachi:Saimura Goro (10-dan hanshi)
Shitachi:Mochida Moriji (10-dan hanshi)
"ipponme" only
打太刀 斎村五郎 (範士 十段)
仕太刀 持田盛二 (範士 十段)
Blog only about Kendo. by Akihito ABE 阿部晶人による、剣道だけのブログ。
Uchitachi:Saimura Goro (10-dan hanshi)
AJKF uploaded 16th All Japan Final(1968), Yamazaki vs Toda.
AJKF put 8th All Japan Kendo Championship final movie on Youtube kendo channel. Kuwahara who won the final, is one of the youngest champion of All Japan Kendo Championship hisotry.(another one is Kawazoe)
Shodai (Kanagawa pref) -- Wako (Hokkaido pref)
you can find results on right bottom red button on the http://www.kendo.or.jp/champ/
in "History of All Japan Kendo Championships"